We have been quite busy around here. With the action comes the heightened danger threat. It all started with a trip to Trail, B.C. You know when you see a sign like this, that things could get hairy.
Anyways, we made it home safe and sound from there. We have been working to get cows out to pasture and out of our hair. We thought it might be a good idea to tag calves this year since they are all coming out either red or black. Since this wasn't a good idea when I suggested it when they were too small to run, we are risking life and limb to get it done now. So, with Kelly in the back of the truck with a rope, and me driving with the ear tagger we are getting it somewhat done. It is like a scene right out of Crocodile Hunter. You may ask why we don't use a horse. Well, for one, we don't have a horse fast enough for these calves. Two, who is going to get off their horse and tag the calves with the mother trying to kill you. Three, when the first person does get off to tag, I refuse to stand my horse between the cow and him to keep him from getting it. This comes from experience. Trust me. It is way easier to pull the calf into the safety of the bed of the truck. So far we have had two cows nearly in the truck and one hooking the door.
We did get part of our arena up. We don't have the roping chute yet, and we still need a few panels for length, but it is big enough to start bucking bulls. Kelly and I tracked a few calves around in it yesterday. He is planning on busting out his new gray horse today. It bucked him off the other day. It was good watching. He was mad because the horse was supposed to be well started. He later found out that the guy had only been on it snubbed to another horse. Kelly's comment was, "Well, I guess that wasn't bad then for his first ride." He has designated today as "young horse day." This should be interesting. I've got ten that says he is sick of his young horses after he rides the first one.
Mother's Day was spent at the neighbors branding. I got flowers from Jessie. She knew her dad wouldn't help her, so she called her grandma and asked her to go shopping for her. She was so proud. We went to the branding where all the mother's got roses. Craig, the neighbor, felt bad for us all spending the day working. We all thought that was the perfect way to spend Mother's Day. Jessie was the marker girl. She marked all the calves after they were branded. She was very good help and had a lot of fun. She did get wiped out by a calf, but she got up laughing. She wants to be the marker at every branding now.
The school called Monday for me to come get Jessie because she was sick. I got there and she was laying in the Nurse's Office looking like death. On the way home she told me that she was playing ballerina on the tire swing and the spinning made her sick. If I hadn't been halfway home, I would have turned around and made her go back. Needless to say, she was fine an hour later.
Jessie has her first ball game tonight. She asked me if it was going to be in a stadium. I assured her it wasn't. Then she asked Kelly if there was going to be an announcer. She is quite sure she is playing in the Majors.
Well, I better get outside and start saddling horses. I hope everyone has a great day.
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