Summer has arrived in the wintry hinterlands! With it comes mosquitoes aplenty. However, I hate winter more than I hate mosquitoes. Some things, I will tolerate for sunshine and warm weather.
Jessie and I embarked on the overnight field trip. I still don't enjoy school bus rides. That has not changed in the 15 years I have been out of school. We went to Fort Edmonton on Thursday and then to West Edmonton Mall to the Waterpark on Friday. We had a lot of fun. However, I was exhausted. Hanging on to children and their tubes in the wave pool is hard on a person. Especially one who isn't a certified lifeguard in the first place.
Then on Saturday, our daughter left us. She decided an 8 year old deserves a holiday I guess. She headed to Texas with Bobby and Cita. It is quieter here. Too quiet. We are left with a chubby baby with a crooked smile who likes to chew on his own toes. He also likes to be held. All the time.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Jake and I are heading in to the saddle shop to practice with the girls. We have to sing at a funeral tomorrow. Not really the ideal job, but you can't say no to the family when they ask. Have a gooder!